I went to the L'Ocitane Members Day Sale and this is all I have to show for it.
Well , that and a piece of Almond Soap that is not on sale.
I meant to try the Olive Face Scrub Mud but it was regular priced. So I figure this would have to do.
After all , the packaging is almost the same only the sticker differs in color . The price is also right - RM105.60.
Just exfoliate your face before application. Its simple enough to apply and it has a mild olive smell that I love. Follow the instruction and rinse the mask off after 10-15 minutes.
I tried to look up some testimonials for it and only found one comment at an chinese site. One that says - "Its Okey-ish". Not Good, Not Excellent , Just "Okey-ish".
The comment basicly says - A little goes a long way . Don't rinse it off as per the instruction on the box. Instead rub it off and it will leave your face clear and beautiful.
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